Tuesday, June 28, 2011

tassels // work for today

I like tassels but haven't found a ready made one, oh well, better to make it myself then ;)

this is a custom piece for my local buyer, she wants sky blue theme with birdie charms while I proposed a tassel in the center for that flowy, dreamy look.
Very pleased with the result, you will most likely see tassels incorporated in my pieces really soooonnn!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

fall '11

colour trend for this fall.
I still like honeysuckle the most, which is also the colour of the year :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

oceanic hues // work for today

getting to work with such pretty colours, beading can never be boring!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

may round up

a post that is way too late, almost irrelevant now, oops!
I don't have the habit of blogging regularly (yet!), maintaining this blog is always one of the last things on my mind, which explains why this place is so sorely neglected, sorry!

anyway, back to talking about May, the first 3 weeks were really great, I thought it would be my best month yet, but sales abruptly stopped at the last week, both etsy & local stores.
Locally I guess it was due to exam time but internationally I'm still inexperienced to notice any trends. I have read enough 'business articles' to know sales come in waves so during the quiet period I took the chance to brainstorm new styles and ended up creating many new pieces :))

Some are already listed on my etsy store, more coming soon! 

Friday, June 10, 2011


Home Sweet Home Clock by iluxo

I found this article via Etsy's newsletter- titled Craft A More Productive Day.
Easy & practical steps to carve out just a bit more time each day for my crafty needs/work.

I especially resonate with the 3rd point- Limit distractions

Maintaining your focus is one of the most difficult things to accomplish in this era of massive plugging in and rampant social media. It is far too easy to jump online to check your email and come out of an internet coma 20, 30 or 45 minutes later with nothing to show for the time (I did it at least once while writing this article). Limit your online interactions to certain times of the day and watch your productivity soar! If you can work away from your computer for any part of your day, do it. If you can’t, try keeping open only the windows or programs that you require to complete your current task and resist temptation to open any others.

I'm extremely guilty at this, I have so many browsers open with blogs to check out & after 2 hours on the computer, I haven't done any real work! Learning to switch off the computer in the afternoon is a good start, I find myself more focused to get work done than looking out for new mails every hour or so.

With this bit of reminder this afternoon, I hope to list up the many bracelets I have made over the past 2 weeks, the bracelet pile is sure adding up quick!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

colourful! // work for today

I have many of these medicine cups and they are simply perfect for storing work in progress pieces :)

fuchsia pink, turquoise blue, olive lime green...
yum yum!