Sunday, December 26, 2010


time flies and the annual year end rush is here again.
christmas in malaysia = extremely crowded malls + massive traffic jam everywhere.
(yes, we asians simply love spending hours at malls!)

My house is in the midst of a cluster of hugely popular malls, to the extent that shoppers park their cars behind my house . Getting out of the house this holiday season means heading straight to all day long traffic congestion :)

Anyway, this isn't the point of this blog post (though I seem to have written quite a bit, i'm easily distracted!), here are such awesome gift wrapping ideas, the best I have seen this year!

If I were to receive something wrapped like this, nevermind the content, most likely I wouldn't open it, too pretty!

Merry Christmas! ♥ 


  1. such pretty wrapping!! thanks for your sweet comment on our blog!
    your blog is so cute! we should follow each other if you want :] let us know!

    xo, camilla & valerie

  2. hey camilla & valerie, thanks for dropping by!

    yeah, definitely :) I'm always on the look out for interesting blogs to follow :)
